Goodevening everyone!!
I had fun watching one tree hill season 7 while working at the same time...(just doing this when I really don’t have a lot of task to accomplish for the day). But sometimes I ended up watching than working..lol)(just kidding, thought of my office mates might read this..). I felt bad for not seeing Hilarie Burton as Peyton Sawyer and Chad Michael Murray as Lucas Scott on screen as they did not renew their contract.But Hilarie had mentioned in her VLOGs found in their company website some reasons why she's not coming back..oh yes they call it VLOGs..One Tree Hill is really my all time favorite series that I used to watch together with my sis though I still watch it until now for numerous time that I cant' count... There was never a time when i found myself so hooked up in any TV series or shows until I've learned about OTH.. But I feel so devastated knowing my favorite characters were not there anymore.. although I must admit OTH is really worthy of my time...However,I still follow Hilarie Burton through her company website which is 'Sogopro.com'.. because I wanna know what she's up to and what shows she may be in at the moment...
So if you're all looking for a TV series you might want to consider One Tree Hill and get hooked up like me as this show really rocks:)
But not as good until Peyton Sawyer had stayed behind the cam..
cza :)
I been following the hills too :P..