Last Summer, I was able to see the beauty of SINGAPORE.. it was before I graduated from college which I'd like to mention my graduation gift from my mum and sis. That was indeed worth of my years in college...lol..If you're heading to Singapore, you can't just go away without visiting Sentosa, and I'm telling you the place is stunning. If you're really looking for some fun and adventure, then Sentosa is something to consider although I must say prices are a little bit higher but so worth it..We had fun watching fireworks show, it was Song of the Sea at the time, and we've paid S$8.00 for each. it was just a 30 minutes or less show but it was absolutely AMAZING.. I still wonder up to now how they were able to have a speaking, dancing and even a crying characters that were just a fireworks, it was pretty hard to describe and unfortunately taking pictures was strictly not allowed. I don't know how they were able to do it but damn, it was GREAT!. and at this moment while reminiscing, I felt bad mom was not able to see it but I'd like to bring her maybe in a year or two.. So, moving on, We've also tried riding in their famous cable cars in which we were pretty amazed on the sceneries. But It felt so fast not to noticed that we were about to alight. I just can't remember how much we've paid for a two way ride..And of course who would miss to visit the famous MERLION... We were told that it it was under construction at the time but we still wanted to make sure if we could just somehow take a pictures, and fortunately.. We’ve had!!:) Can’t share a lot of pics right now since I haven’t stored much in my office computer...To sum this up, traveling across the world would mean spending money but saving a lot of happy memories :)

Have FUN and Go Travel! :)
cza :)
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