Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Hampers from Mr. Thomson Reuters

Christmas is a time of family, friends, colleague and sharing, and one of the best ways to show it is through giving Christmas Hampers. Few days are left for another year and 2009 has been interesting and wonderful times within the corporate world and nearly all of us have been effected by the economic upheaval. But there's no way to missed extending our gratitude to the people we've been with and work together as one. Now, more than ever employees and customers appreciate companies who acknowledge their staff efforts and customer support.
Finally, we’ve received early Christmas Hampers from the company.
We were as excited as everyone to see what kind of goodies were inside the bags.Almost everything you need to make pasta this Christmas eve were present, Toblerone Chocolates, Chip Ahoy cookies and many more. But did I mention that Swift Ham was included? Oh yes, there’s Ham and wouldn't like to bring home all of these?
It’s gonna be heavy to carry tough.

We never missed to have pictures taken with this early Christmas Hamper!

luther and kat with their HAM!!!

posing with the Christmas Ham

it's dahlia and vea

luther taking home two hampers..haha

Show your love through this Christmas Hamper!!!

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